Some fields in CaRMS Online, such as the date of graduation, will already be populated with the information that was provided to us. If you find that your date of graduation is incorrect or has changed, you will not be able to modify it yourself. Your options on how to correct this will depend on your applicant type:
- If you are an International medical graduate (IMG), previous year Canadian medical graduate (CMG) or United States medical graduate (USMG), please contact us at Please provide the correct date of graduation/date degree obtained: YYYY-MM-DD.
- If you are a current year CMG, please contact your undergraduate office to have them modify your date of graduation.
You must enter your actual date of graduation or date degree awarded by the school, NOT the date of the issued diploma.
Note: current year CMG refers to Canadian medical graduates who are graduating from medical school the same year as the match year.
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