A program has a new administrator. How do they gain access?

Changes to a Program Administrator can be made by the corresponding Program Director or Postgraduate office in their CaRMS Online account.

To make this change, they will need to go to Match Management ->  Program administrators.

  • To assign a new or additional program administrator to a program, click the Plus.jpg button.
  • To replace an existing program administrator, select the relevant row(s) and click the Pencil.jpg button.
  • To remove an existing program administrator, select the relevant row(s) and click the Garbage.jpgbutton.
  • To resend an invitation email, select the relevant row(s) and click the Env.jpg button.


After clicking the Plus.jpgicon, you will be brought to the following page where you will be asked to select the program and enter the new administrator's information.



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