The Casper test is an online screening tool designed to evaluate key personal and professional characteristics that make for successful students and graduates.
This is a requirement to apply to programs in some provinces, this will be indicated on program descriptions of participating programs.
The test dates are can be found here:
Applicants must register for the following test:
Post Graduate Medical Education R-1 match -> CSP-20201 Postgraduate Medical Education
The Casper must be taken each year. The test is only good for one match cycle, as per the test center (Acuity Insights) policy.
For more information on the test, as well as how to register for it, can be found here:
CaRMS does not have any information on the test outside of the dates and times. Any other process-related questions should be directed to Acuity Insights. You can access their online inquiry submission form here:
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