How do I assign any examination scores and documents to my applications?

In your Application to programs section under My Application, you will be able to assign any requested documents to your programs by clicking the pencil icon MicrosoftTeams-image (4).png. This will open your individual program application, which will look similar to this:


When assigning any document, you will need to go under the corresponding section under Document assignment and check off the documents you wish to assign. However, it is slightly different when you need to assign your examination scores and/or documents. Here is how to do so:

  1. Click the Examinations tab.
  2. Scroll down until you get to the Scores portion of this tab.
  3. Check off any scores that the program is requesting.
  4. Scroll past Scores to the Documents portion of this tab. 
  5. Check off any examination documents you need to assign to your application.

Note: your MCC examination scores will automatically be available to the programs you are applying to if you selected agreed to this in your sharing consent under My Information - transfers.


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