Under the match menu and File Review, click Export application data.
- Click on the program for which you wish to export data. The programs available to you for file review will be listed.
- Applicants to this program are listed on the left side of the screen, the export of data includes all applicants.
- Select the data you wish to export by checking the boxes under the specified sections or click SELECT ALL DATA to include all elements. Select CLEAR to start over.
- You can apply filters by clicking on 'filters' on the left side of the page and searching within the search filter box for NAC.
- Select a filter from the drop-down menu. Click RUN FILTER.
- Click EXPORT to export the data into an Excel file.
Here are the available filters for the NAC examination and what the filters will extract.
1) NAC will include:
- NAC with any status
2) NAC Pass with superior performance will include:
- Final result of PASS with superior performance
3) NAC Pass will include:
- Final result of PASS and;
- Final result of PASS with superior performance
4) NAC Result is 'Pass w SP' or represents similar performance to 'Pass w SP' will include:
- Pass with superior performance result
- Score is equal to or greater than 622 for exam taken from May 2023
- Score is equal to or greater than 1419 for exam taken between October 2021 and September 2022
- Score is equal to or greater than 443 for exam taken between March 2019 and March 2020
- Score is equal to or greater than 79 for exam taken between March 2013 and September 2018 Applicants who have taken exam before March 2013 are EXCLUDED.
5) NAC Score: > = one SD above Pass score will include:
NAC scores are equal to or greater than one Standard Deviation (SD) above the Pass score which is:
- 602 for exam taken from May 2023
- 1399 for exam taken between October 2021 and September 2022
- 423 for exam taken between March 2019 and March 2020
- 73 for exam taken between March 2013 and September 2018
* Applicants who took the September 2020 session are EXCLUDED since no score is reported for the session.
*Applicants who have taken exam before March 2013 are also EXCLUDED.
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