What do we do if a matched applicant is requesting a deferral of their start date?

Applicants are required to begin training by July 1, unless a deferred start date is agreed to by both parties (applicant and Faculty). It is at the Postgraduate office and program's discretion to agree to deferrals.

The applicant contract outlines this in the following clauses:

5.30 If the Applicant matches with a Residency Program, the Applicant shall be available to begin training by July 1 of the year in which the residency training commences, unless the Faculty agrees to a deferred start date. Where practicable, the Applicant shall disclose their request for a deferred start date within their CaRMS Online application.

5.31 The Applicant acknowledges that the Faculties, in their discretion, may disqualify the Applicant if the Applicant is not able to begin residency training by July 1 of the year the residency training commences.

If an applicant is unable to begin training by the expected start date, it is the Faculties decision whether to agree to a deferral; void the match and release the applicant as well as informing CaRMS; or report it as a match violation.


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