Applicant type | Question | Instructions | Match |
International Medical Graduate (IMG) and United States Medical Graduates (Osteopathic) |
I am an IMG or a USMG (Osteo) and I have NOT been identified as an eligible applicant in either the AIMG or BC-CAP assessment programs, how do I verify my citizenship or permanent resident status? |
Option 1: You can share your IVP (Identity Validity Period) through your CaRMS Online account.
Find out which proof of citizenship/legal status document you need to include by consulting provincial criteria and/or individual program descriptions. |
I am an IMG or a USMG (Osteo) and I have been identified as an eligible applicant in the AIMG (Alberta International Medical Graduate) program and/or the BC-CAP (British Columbia Clinical Assessment) program, how do I verify my citizenship or permanent resident status? |
Your status is already verified there is no action for you to take in your CaRMS Online application.
Canadian Medical Graduate (CMG) and United States Medical Graduates (Allopathic) |
I am a CMG or a USMG (Allo) , how do I verify my citizenship or permanent resident status? |
Option 1: You can share your IVP (Identity Validity Period) through your CaRMS Online account.
Find out which proof of citizenship or permanent resident status document you need to include by consulting provincial criteria and/or individual program descriptions. |
Note: there is no advantage or disadvantage no matter the option you chose.
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