How do I use the master applicant ranked list?

What is the Master ranked applicant list?

Under this section, you will see a table with multiple columns, as pictured in the following screenshot.


Column 1 - Applicant declared legal status: Indicates the citizenship/legal status the applicant declared when either registering or participating to the match. Hover your mouse over the i_icon.jpg icon to view the definition for each status.

Column 2 - Legal status verification: Indicates whether an applicant's citizenship/legal status has been verified by a third-party organization or PGME office. If a PGME office has verified an applicant's legal status, this will be shared across PGME offices. See Legal status for further information.

Column 3 - Language proficiency verification: Indicates whether you've verified an applicant's language proficiency. This status will not be shared with other PGME offices, however it will be shared to program Directors and Administrators where this applicant has applied within your faculty. See Language proficiency for additional information.

Column 4 - Ranking verification: Indicates whether the PGME acknowledges this applicant can remain ranked.. This status will not be shared with other PGME offices, however it will be shared to program directors and administrators where this applicant has applied within your faculty. See Ranking verification for supplementary information.

Column 5 - Actions: This column includes the pencil icon edit_icon.jpg, which when clicked, will bring you to the page where you can modify an applicant's legal status, language proficiency and ranking verification status, as shown in the following screenshot.


Legal status

If an applicant has had their citizenship/legal status documentation verified by a third-party organization or another PGME office, the applicant will already have a green_checkmark.jpg icon. If verified by a third-party, no document will be listed under Citizenship documents as it would not have been required to provide documentation. If another PGME verified the document, the applicant will have a green_checkmark.jpg icon; you will still have access to it in case you would like to verify the document yourself. Clicking the document linked will allow you to preview the submitted document.

Note: If no document is listed and they were not verified by a third-party, please review the candidate's application in case the document was submitted as an Extra Document.

Language proficiency

Any language proficiency document submitted by the applicant will be linked under "Language proficiency documents". As this tool does not take into account all possible exceptions or exemptions to the language proficiency requirement, it is possible for an applicant to not have submitted any language proficiency documents. You may need to review this applicant's information in case they meet provincial exceptions/exemptions. If an applicant is exempt from providing a language proficiency document, the status can be "Not applicable".

Note: if no document is listed and the applicant does not meet the criteria for possible exceptions/exemptions, please review the candidate's application in case the document was submitted as an Extra Document. For example, all FAIMER/World Directory of Medical Schools pages are submitted as Extra Documents.

Ranking verification

Included in the request for this tool, was an ask to include "Ranking verification". This status is to indicate to program directors and administrators, where this applicant has applied within your faculty, whether your PGME office has confirmed this applicant can remain ranked by aforementioned programs.

Note: the statuses submitted within the master ranked list will not impact the ability to submit or approve program rank order lists.


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