Postgraduate medical education offices
PGME guidelines and general information
- I need to remove a program from the match. What do I do?
- How can a new structured reference letter be introduced into the R-1 Match?
- What is the naming convention required when uploading the Eligible Resident List?
- How do I set my Nextcloud account to French?
- What is the Master ranked applicant list?
- How can our faculty add a new discipline or program to a current match, or possibly a new match? See all 11 articles
Modifying program director, postgraduate office and match coordinator accounts
- I have two program directors but I can only add one in CaRMS Online. What do I do?
- I will no longer be the PG Coordinator for my university. What will happen to my CaRMS access?
- How do I edit existing program director accounts?
- What can a match leader/coordinator do?
- How do I create/delete a postgraduate office and match coordinator account?
- What is the section Faculty access used for?
Match Setup
- How do I allow a program to edit an already approved program description?
- In the R-1 match, can quota be modified after the opening of Program Selection for applicants?
- How do I remove a program?
- How do I update my province's eligibility criteria?
- How do I modify a program's accreditation?
- How can I edit the program description? See all 13 articles
Match Approvals
Match Results
Second Iteration and Post-Match Process
- How does my program switch stream during the Post-match Process?
- How do I modify the quota of a program participating in the Post-match Process?
- Can new programs be added during the Post-match Process?
- What is the Post-Match Process?
- What is the procedure when a program accepts an application in the post-match process?