Privacy Policy Update
- What documents or information can applicants have access to through CaRMS Online?
- Is CaRMS subject to the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)?
- Previously, applicants were able to request and obtain reference materials and third-party assessment information provided through CaRMS for their applications. Why has this changed?
- Are there any exceptions to the privacy policy for unmatched applicants who may want to access their reference materials?
- Were referees informed that the reference materials they provided could be accessible to applicants when this was the case?
- As a referee, could you let me know if any of the reference materials I provided in previous matches were shared with the applicant?
- As a referee, I was not aware that applicants could access reference materials I wrote on their behalf. When did CaRMS start to provide them if requested?
- If an applicant requested and viewed their reference materials from a prior match, can they still use them in a future match?
- If an applicant went unmatched in a prior match, can they access their reference letters for years prior to the updated privacy policy?
- When does the new privacy policy come into effect?