How does CaRMS audit the match results?

The Match Algorithm compares applicants' and programs' rank order lists (ROL) and matches applicants to programs based on both parties’ stated preferences.

The final preferences of applicants and programs, as indicated in their rank order lists, are what determine the match outcome. The algorithm is applicant-proposing, meaning it starts with an attempt to place an applicant into his or her most preferred program. In this way, the algorithm provides applicants with their best possible outcome based on the ROL submitted.

At the end of the matching process, each applicant has either been matched to the most preferred choice possible from their ROL or all choices submitted by the applicant have been exhausted and they have not been matched.

Match results are audited prior to public release and verified as a stable match outcome by both CaRMS and the National Matching Service. For more information please refer to:


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