How do I edit existing program director accounts?

In the section Manage user access - Program Directors, you will find a list of all program directors we currently have registered in CaRMS Online for all matches at your faculty. You can modify program directors for all your individual programs directly in this section.

  1. Under the Match Management menu, select Program directors.
  2. Select the Match in the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the row and click the pencil edit_icon.jpg icon to edit an account.
  4. Enter the new program director information and click SAVE.

If the user is not already in our system, you will be prompted to click Invite. The new program director will receive an email with instructions on how to register for an account and log into CaRMS Online. 

  1. Click the envelope envelope.jpg icon to send a reminder email to the program director.

Once the program director has registered, their status will change from PENDING to ACTIVE and the envelope icon will no longer be visible.



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