There are two options available for the submission of medical school transcripts:
- All applicants can upload their medical school transcript themselves by using the "Document Tracking" section of their CaRMS Online account. For further document submission information, click here.
The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) board has approved a policy change allowing CMGs to upload their own medical school transcripts directly into their CaRMS Online account. With this method, applicants are to follow the school’s policies regarding accessing or requesting the document.
Please note that CaRMS does not retrieve documents from third party platforms (e.g., National Student Clearing House). - Undergraduate medical education faculty members can upload the medical school transcripts within the CaRMS Online Undergraduate Portal.
International Medical Graduates and United States Medical Graduates can upload their MSPR into their CaRMS Online account. Canadian Medical Graduates must have their Undergraduate Medical Education office upload the MSPR within the CaRMS Online Undergraduate Portal on their behalf.
CaRMS does not accept hardcopy or mailed documents.
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