How do I edit the Master program description?

Under the match menu and "Set-Up", select Master Program Description.

To edit the Return of Service section:

  1. Click RETURN OF SERVICE below the Sections menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Enter the return of service requirements (if any). Type directly in the text box to input or edit text.
  3. Click SELECT PROGRAMS to choose which programs to update.
  4. Select the programs for which you wish to apply this information then click UPDATE and CONFIRM.

To edit the Language Proficiency section:

  1. Select LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY below the Documentation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the required documents and update the other fields as necessary. Type directly in the text box to input or edit text.
  3. Click SELECT PROGRAMS to choose which programs to update.
  4. Select the programs for which you wish to apply this information then click UPDATE and CONFIRM.

To edit the Citizenship section:

  1. Select CITIZENSHIP below the Documentation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the required documents and update the other fields as necessary. Type directly in the text box to input or edit text.
  3. Click SELECT PROGRAMS to choose which programs to update.
  4. Select the programs for which you wish to apply this information then click UPDATE and CONFIRM.


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