How can I edit the program description?

  1. Under the select match menu, select Program Descriptions.
  2. Your list of available programs will be displayed. To update a program description, move your cursor over the pencil icon in the Action column and click Edit. pencil_edit_faculty_drop-down.jpg

Note: the program description’s status will be displayed at the top right of the description. Only program descriptions with a status of Updates needed are available for revision (even if you have PGME access). If a program description has any other listed status and you would like to modify it, you must click Request Revisions before any content can be updated under the same menu.

Before making any updates to a program description, you can review the existing version by clicking the program name at the top of the page.

To start updating, select any section of your program description by clicking on a section name in the SECTIONS menu on the left side of the page.

Each page contains basic updating instructions and may also contain the following icons:

add_record_-_faculty.jpg allows programs to create a section in the category chosen

edit_-_faculty.jpg allows programs to update the selected section

delete_-_faculty.jpg allows programs to delete the selected section

move_down-move_up.jpg allows programs to move a section down or up in a sequence

collapse.jpg/uncollapse.jpg allows programs to expand / collapse a section

You can copy information from another program description on your list into the description you are working on. To do so:

  1. Select the section you want to update from the left-side menu.
  2. Click Copy from another program on the top left of the section you are updating.
  3. Select the program from which you wish to copy content. The text will be copied over. Click SAVE.

Note: if you copy content from another program description, all content in that section will be overwritten and copied.


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